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The Rogue’s Dangerous Confession (Dangerous Desires Book 3) Page 3

  “But we’re not here to talk about me, Lady Jane. We’re here to make sure the wedding happens for my uncle.” He paused and glanced at her. “And to get you home.”

  Home. Jane couldn’t think of any place better to be right now.

  Then they heard voices. Familiar voices. The bride and groom had come out of the church. They were laughing, sounded so happy.

  And Jane just froze.

  Chapter Three

  Alexander sat in the swaying carriage and watched Jane as she slept across from him, her head resting on her folded cloak under her neck. She looked so young and serene like that, her expression softened. He could still see the tracks of tears on her face.

  When Jane had frozen at the sound of voices outside the church, Alexander had momentarily panicked. He thought Jane was going to rush back into the churchyard and throw herself at Ian. Just what they had been trying to avoid. He had been ready to grab her and forcibly pull her away.

  But then Jane had crumbled. She staggered, and Alexander had grabbed her before she collapsed to the ground. Jane froze, stiffening in his arms, and then she started trembling. She didn’t appear to be crying, but then Alexander saw the tears.

  He was at a loss at what to do. He wasn’t good with comforting crying ladies. That was not something he did. Then Jane turned and leaned into him, resting her head against his chest. That simple motion and her pressing up against him sent a jolt through Alexander’s body. Whoa. Something like this was not meant to happen.

  Awkwardly, unsure of what to do, Alexander reached up and patted her shoulder. That resulted in Jane practically throwing herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she carried on sobbing. Alexander had frozen. She wasn’t supposed to do that. Even Jane knew the consequences if someone came along and caught them in such an embrace. It would cause just as big a scandal as her previous intentions.

  But Alexander couldn’t bring himself to push her away. There was something about Lady Jane Malcolm that made Alexander reluctant to let go. He couldn’t step back from her, even if it meant people seeing them together.

  This was not good. Alexander kept all ladies at arm’s length. It was always carnal. No feelings involved, not on his side. That was not the case here.

  His trousers were feeling far too tight, making it harder to breathe. Alexander had to ease his lower half away from Jane even as she clung onto him. She didn’t need to feel his arousal when she was in such distress. Alexander had not come here to paw this lady, but his body was clearly having other ideas.

  He had to get her back home as soon as possible, or he was going to end up doing something he regretted.

  Even as he sat in the carriage watching Jane, both of them jolting along the bumpy road, Alexander knew that he could never do that to her. She was an innocent. A sweetheart, from what Ian had said. Jane had an immature mindset Alexander thought, but that didn’t take away the fact she was a real beauty. Alexander kept having to stop himself from reaching out and touching her. Something about Jane made him want to keep her in his arms and not let go.

  That was dangerous. Alexander had to keep her at arm’s length, just like all the other ladies he encountered. But this was different. Jane could sneak past his defenses. Nobody did that to him. Nobody.

  Jane Malcolm would not be someone he was taking to bed just because he found her desirable. She was just the type of lady Alexander had to keep out of his bedchamber.

  “What were you told to do?”

  Alexander looked up. Rachel was sitting beside Jane, giving him a harsh glare. Alexander had almost forgotten that she was there.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “With regard to Jane. What were your instructions?”

  Alexander sighed. “All I was told to do by my uncle was to make sure that Lady Jane didn’t disrupt the wedding and to keep her away.”

  He didn’t think he needed to explain himself to Jane’s friend. Rachel Preston had turned up shortly after the wedding party had left the church, finding Jane still hugging Alexander like he was saving her from drowning. She had looked furious at the sight, hauling Jane away before scolding her on running off the way she had. Jane was still crying, and Alexander hadn’t been able to do anything except stand there watching. When Rachel began to pull her away, Alexander had immediately said that he would escort them back to Crawley.

  Rachel had looked horrified at the suggestion, but Jane had agreed. After all, Alexander had offered before her friend had arrived. He wasn’t about to back out of that because of an aggressive companion. And it would help to know that Jane had got home safely without making any detours back.

  If only Rachel would stop looking at him like he was about to commit a crime. Alexander was many things, but he wasn’t about to make a move on Jane with her friend watching them. It stopped him from doing something even more foolish than Jane’s actions.

  Like seduce her.

  “I see.” Rachel folded her arms with a scowl. “Anything else?”

  “Why would there be anything else?”

  “I know you, Mr. Harrison.” Rachel’s eyes narrowed. “My sister is Marissa Preston.”

  Marissa. Alexander now knew where he remembered the name from. Marissa had been a former lover from the year before. It had been only three months while Marissa was in London, and they had enjoyed each other’s bodies during that time. Alexander had believed when it ended that they would carry on as normal. Marissa had been looking for some fun, and that was what she got.

  She was a spritely woman, who always got what she wanted. When she married a short time later and her husband realized that she wasn’t a virgin, all hell had broken loose. Marissa had accused Alexander of forcing her into a relationship that she didn’t want, which had resulted in Alexander having to defend his name. He had even been challenged to a duel several times by members of her family, but he simply shook his head and walked away. He wasn’t fighting someone over something that was a lie. Marissa had been caught out and she was now trying to come out smelling of roses.

  Alexander had washed his hands of the woman and her family. The rumors had eventually died down, especially when her father realized that Marissa had been a willing participant in becoming a wanton woman. She and her husband had moved to Cornwall shortly after, and Alexander didn’t hear anything after that. Chances were that her husband hadn’t forgiven her and was keeping her away from temptation.

  “Marissa’s still angry about your behavior towards her,” Rachel hissed.

  Alexander sighed. “This was all sorted a year ago, Miss Preston. Your sister and I enjoyed our time together and then she lied when she was confronted. I may have stopped her from being innocent, but there was no taking advantage.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Of course, you wouldn’t. You’re her sister.” Alexander sat forward. He was not going to raise his voice and wake Jane. “Marissa knew right at the beginning what she was getting herself into. I told her there was going to be nothing beyond what I wanted.”

  “So, you used her and threw her aside?”

  “I didn’t throw her aside. Marissa was the one who walked away first, saying that her parents were beginning to get suspicious and she didn’t want them to know.”

  Rachel snorted. “That’s not what she says.”

  Of course, it wasn’t. Marissa wanted to be the one who looked like a victim. A gentleman was never at fault in an affair unless it was non-consensual. Alexander had never forced any woman to be in his bed. He never needed to.

  “I may be a scoundrel, Miss Preston, but I’m not a liar,” Alexander growled. “I am upfront about everything, including the ins and outs of an affair. What have I got to gain from lying about it?”

  “I’m sure you’re upfront about it,” Rachel sneered. She gestured at Jane, who was still asleep. “Are you going to do the same to my friend? Be upfront with her about what you’re going to do?”

  Alexander shook his head. This woman was too stubborn to

  “My uncle didn’t tell me to escort Lady Jane home. I’m choosing to do that. I may be a lot of things, but I’m not about to let a lady go home unescorted.” He raised his hands. “And I won’t touch either of you, I promise.”

  That was going to be a tough promise, seeing as Alexander’s hands were itching to touch Jane already. Her knees were brushing against his as she slept, and Alexander could feel the heat through his trousers. It was a good thing it was dimly lit in the carriage, or Rachel would be able to see how much Alexander wanted to touch her friend. Still, Alexander knew when to keep away.

  Rachel pointed a finger into his face.

  “You’d better keep hold of that promise, Mr. Harrison. I don’t want my friend hurt like you hurt my sister.”

  She was still going on about that. Alexander sighed and sat back.

  “Hasn’t it ever occurred to you that your sister might be lying? Or is it because she’s family that you believe her?”

  “My sister is not a liar, Mr. Harrison. You may have gotten my parents to believe that you’re not the villain, but it won’t work with me.” Rachel’s face flushed. “And I object to what you’ve just insinuated.”

  “And I object that you think every female I come across is someone I want to take to bed with me,” Alexander shot back. “That’s not the case. I’m doing my uncle a favor by escorting his sister-in-law home, and I’m not going to be distracted.” He leered at her before glancing at Jane. “No matter how pretty they are.”

  “Ha!” Rachel looked triumphant. “I knew it!”

  Alexander rolled his eyes and sighed. “That proves nothing. I am a gentleman of my word. Your sister lied to you because she got caught out and thought she could manipulate everyone because she’s a woman. She instigated the affair, and I was happy to go along with it. Now I won’t touch her at all after what she did.” He spread his hands. “I have done a lot of things and, I admit, a lot of women, but I don’t lie about the encounters.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Rachel glared at him with darkened eyes and a scowl that clearly showed her thoughts. She really didn’t believe him. Alexander had regretted many times about getting involved with Marissa Preston. He had had no idea that she was someone he should have kept as far away from as possible.

  “You can believe what you want, Miss Preston, but I know the truth. Marissa knows the truth, but she refuses to accept that she put herself in that position. It’s always someone else’s fault. This was going to ruin her reputation, so she tried to make herself look like the victim. That made her look even more of a fool, and those that matter know it. Especially her husband.”

  Rachel snorted.

  “You think you know what happened, but you weren’t there. And don’t put your loyalty completely on a woman who is known for lying. Besides, we are not here to discuss your sister’s indiscretions.”

  Rachel growled at that.

  “We’re here to make sure Lady Jane gets home safely without any mishaps along the way.”

  “Does Jane know what your reputation is?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes, she does.”

  “Then hopefully that will be enough for her to keep away from you.” Rachel sniffed. “You would drag her down.”

  “You mean what she tried to do hasn’t done it already? I don’t think she needs my help on that.”

  Rachel bared her teeth. Her hands clenched into fists in her lap. “Lady Jane would have come to her senses in time. And she did. She didn’t need to be escorted home by someone like you.”

  “Well, she is.” Alexander crossed his legs, which put more pressure that he didn’t need on his crotch and folded his arms. “And I can’t exactly go anywhere. So, you’re stuck with me.”

  * * *

  “Lady Jane?”

  Jane could feel someone gently shaking her shoulder. Her neck was hurting, and she was cold. She shivered and shifted away from whoever was shaking her. Then the soft cushion that had been under her head was eased out and Jane felt something being draped over her.

  Her cloak. She had used her cloak for something to lean her head on. Someone was looking after her.

  Rachel? Jane remembered getting into the carriage with her friend back at the tavern. Rachel had been scolding her about sneaking away when they had agreed they wouldn’t go anywhere near the church. Jane didn’t remember agreeing to anything.

  Then Jane opened her eyes and the blurred figure leaning over her came into focus. Blue eyes were fixed on her, clouded over with concern. He was close enough that Jane could feel his breath on her cheek.

  Alexander Harrison. What was he doing here?

  “Mr. Harrison?” Jane rubbed at her eyes. “What...what’s going on?”

  “We’re at your family home.” Alexander eased back to sit across from her. “I thought it was best that you woke up.”

  “I slept the whole way?”

  “Yes.” Alexander shrugged. “Probably the easiest escort duty I’ve done in a long time.”

  Then Jane remembered. Alexander had found her outside the church. She had made a fool of herself clinging onto him after hearing Ian’s voice close by, bursting into tears when all her emotions came out. Jane couldn’t begin to think how embarrassing it must have been for her, never mind Alexander.

  But he had offered to escort both her and Rachel home. He brushed aside Rachel’s adamant refusal, saying that it would be on his conscience. Rachel was clearly upset about his presence, which did make Jane wonder. Had she and Alexander crossed paths in the past? It was more than likely, and it was something that Rachel was angry about.

  Still, she was too worn out to pry about it. And waking up to find him so close had started to make her heart pick up pace. Jane felt a little lightheaded from the sudden change in her pulse. She sat up, hugging the cloak around her. Other changes to her body were happening, changes that were making her skin tingle. All just because of his closeness. The throbbing between her legs was the worst. Jane didn’t know how to sit without making it worse.

  Why did she have to react like a wanton just because this gentleman was so close? He was the last person she should be around, and yet Jane couldn’t stop her reaction towards him.

  Chapter Four

  He was watching her closely. Jane looked away. She knew her face was going red, her cheeks warming.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” she muttered.

  “Done what?”


  She felt like a fool. Pathetic and childish. That was now who Jane was. She had been raised to be something else, and this wasn’t it. But whenever it involved Ian Harrison, Jane forgot everything. First love was always the strongest, according to her mother, but it could become all-consuming and the most painful when it was broken. Jane was beginning to realize that. She couldn’t compete with anyone else for Ian, simply because there was never a competition. Ian had made his choice, and Jane would have to accept that.

  It was going to take some time to accept that and Jane didn’t know if she would be able to. Not for a while.


  Jane looked up. Alexander was sitting forward, his knees almost touching hers. His fingers, clasped together, brushed against her skirts. Jane felt herself shiver, and it wasn’t from the cold. She wanted him to touch her.

  Where had that come from?

  “You need to stop being so hard on yourself.” Alexander’s voice was gentle. “You were in love, and you believed that it would be returned. But life is not as straightforward as that, and things happen. You just need to pick yourself up, take a deep breath, and start afresh. That’s all you can do right now.”

  He was right. There was nothing Jane could do. She just needed to start again. Rachel had been telling her to let go for a while now, but Jane had refused to listen. With Alexander, it was something different. Maybe it was because it was the last thing that she expected him to say.

  “I never thought you would be the one to give out
sound advice like that, Mr. Harrison.”

  Alexander gave her a lopsided smile. “I’m full of surprises.”

  “I’m sure you are.” Jane rubbed at her arms. Why did ladies’ fashion have to leave them in dresses that barely had any sleeves? “I’m sure your family wishes you were more like a decent human being.”

  “I’m a decent human being all the time.”

  “You call taking lots of women to bed decent?”

  Alexander winced. “Ouch. Ian did say you had some fire, My Lady.”